Title: RRB Junior Engineer (2019) – General Physics for CBT-1 & CBT-2 Author: Online Verdan Publisher: Infinity Educations, 2019 ISBN: 8194029422, 9788194029427 Length: 168 pages
If you want to understand general concepts of Physics for competition exams, you have to purchase a complete book of The cost of book is just ₹128/- on store, No separate book on ‘General Physics’ is available in Indian Market. To fulfil this gap, Yesterday we released a new E-publication of title “RRB Junior Engineer (2019) – General Physics for CBT 1 & CBT-2”. This unique book not only cover syllabus of RRB-JE but also useful for all other competitive exams. The each section of book consist detailed description and practice questions. The level of questions are easy-to-tough so that students may take their preparations at optimum level. portal.